Welcome to Coudéya, where fashion meets connection in every seam. At Coudéya, we believe in the power of clothing to bring people together, spark conversations and create lasting connections.

It's not just about selling clothes, it's about bonding and emotions. We know that clothing is a powerful form of expression and we want to design pieces that not only appeal to the eye but also touch the soul. Each garment is crafted with precision and passion, telling a unique story and inviting the wearer to express themselves authentically.

We believe that the design of our garments is the most important element of our brand. We invest time, creativity and thought into each piece to ensure that it not only reflects the latest trends, but also has a timeless quality that resonates across cultures and generations.

At Coudéya we are aware of the responsibility we have towards our planet and future generations. For us, sustainability is not just a buzzword, but a commitment that is embedded in every aspect of our brand
is embedded. From the sourcing of materials to the production process, we value environmentally friendly practices that minimize our environmental footprint.


At Coudéya, we have made it our mission to unite people worldwide in a common pursuit
to bring together harmony and understanding. Our mission is two-fold: On the one hand, we strive to connect the global community into a harmonious unity, because we firmly believe that we are all deeply connected and can only achieve true harmony and peace through strong, communal connection. On the other hand, our goal is to take active action against climate change. We are convinced that the more people we integrate into our shared mission, the more effectively we can combat the climate crisis.

To bring these goals to life, we dedicate 10% of our annual profits to charitable organizations. We know that we cannot stop climate change alone, but together we can move mountains. At the same time, it is important to us to contribute to alleviating hunger in the world in order to improve the lives of children and adults alike.

Join us on this exciting journey – follow @coudeya on Instagram and become part of ours
Story. Together we can grow, inspire each other and give back to our planet what it gives us.


I am Valentin – founder of Coudéya. When I was young, I had the dream of becoming a professional footballer - and I wasn't far from it: I played in the
FC Bayern Munich's youth teams and was even allowed to play a game for the German U17 national team.

But life had other plans for me. Later, to be more precise, since I was 17, I developed the dream of turning my second passion - fashion - into a calling and starting my own business. It took over 10 years to implement this because a lot of things kept coming up. But now I'm putting my dreams into action: Coudéya is a matter of the heart and I'm doing everything I can to make what is still a small company a sustainable, long-term success.

I am always open to suggestions, tips and advice. So if you have any questions or just want to get in touch, you can reach me at vale[at]coudeya.com. I read every message personally and respond so quickly
as possible. Let's walk the path together to make the planet a better place. I'm glad you're here!